A Study on FDI Outflow from India

S.K.Khatik & Mr.Milind Patil


Foreign direct investment from India promote economic co-operation between India and the host countries. It result in transfer of technology and skills, sharing R&D, access to the global market, employment generation and utilization raw materials available in India and other countries. Thus, integration of the Indian economy with the rest of the world is achieved through overseas investment.The study reveals that 66% of investment is made in the form of guarantee issued followed by 21% in equity and 13% via loans.Neitherland attracted 22% investment as compared with 19% in Singapore.Sector wise investment reveals that manufacturing sector attracted 28% investment followed by Transportation,storage and communication 20% ,financial,insurance and business services 17%,agriculture and mining 13%,wholesale,retail trade,restaurant and hotels 12% investment

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