Research Article
V. M. Sarode
This study uses primary data, collected using cluster sampling of sample size of 302 of elderly suffering with Hypertension, Diabetic, TB, Throat infection, HIV, Joint pain from Rafi Nagar slum in Mumbai. The paper examines chronic diseases related to aged slum dwellers and the utilization of health services available to these elderly people in the slum. The findings reveals highly significant disorders among aged women related to Skin lesion and super infection, Untreated bacterial pharyngitis; acute rheumatic fever and disorders among aged men found related to hypertension, Illicit drug use, diabetes, Asthma besides there was evidence of unimaginable low level of treatment seeking behavior which goes without adequate care taken amongst the poorest stratum of these aged slum dwellers. The need for care services is suggested for such aged slum dwellers particularly low income category women in such slum.