Deflgration to Detonation Transition in Kerosene Pulse Detonation Engine

Mayur R Anvekar*,Prasad Kal


The kerosene pulse detonation engine is an unsteady propulsive device in which the combustion chamber is periodically filled with a reactive gas mixture, a detonation is initiated, the detonation propagates through the chamber and the product gases are exhausted. The high pressures and resultant momentum flux out of the chamber generate thrust. To get the complete combustion of propellant the kerosene must be atomized at high pressure maintaining constant flow rate. The detonation is achieved here by discretizing the spark with continuous supply of air fuel mixture. The pulse detonation has got high specific impulse and very less specific fuel consumption as compared to other fueled pulse detonation engines. The velocity and pressure at the exit and all the intermittent points inside the tube is studied.

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